

디지털타임스[서울대 기술지주 조앤김 지노믹스 조서애 대표 국제동물과학학회지 ‘AJAS’ 최다 피인용 우수 논문상 수상] 및 베리타스알파, 에듀동아 일간지에 보도

Aug. 18, 2018

It was announced that Seoae Cho, CEO of Seoul National University’s technology holding company, eGnome, received the 14th AAAP/CAPI Outstanding Research Award (Most Cited Outstanding Paper) from the Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences (AJAS). The award-winning paper, "African Indigenous Cattle: Unique Genetic Resources in a Rapidly Changing World," published in AJAS in 2015, details the characteristics of African cattle breeds, contributing to improved productivity and diversity conservation of African cattle.